For the past 6 Presidential election cycles, as soon as the last vote was counted and conspired against, the Media has trampled each other to be the first to guess who has the "It Factor" four years down the road, mainly because many voters do not care about the Mid-term election no matter how hard the Media attempts to push it.
So here we are, some 14 months after the 2012 election that saw the "beatable" Pres O win by a 4% popular vote margin and all we've heard about since has been the next Democratic challenger is Hillary Clinton.
So engulfed in that notion the Media is that the RNC has only focused on her and nothing or anyone else. Which, in some minds is a smart path to follow, because who could possibly challenge and beat Hillary Clinton in a Democratic primary?
Yet on the other side of the political pillow, it seems no one can decide who shall be the chosen one GOPer but all names mentioned have some sort of "It Factor" to appeal to different demographics. It doesn't take Albert Einstein to comprehend the fact that 2016 is the GOP's to lose, well as long as they don't let the Circus return that was 2012.
Face it, the GOP should've won 2012 but the cast of characters (has been & never were) that were presented had zero viability and, unfortunately for him, Willard Romney was chosen only because he was the last man standing.
So somewhere in the dark basement of every major media hub, there are people putting draft boards together in NFL-esque style. And if they say they aren’t, they’re lying!
Heck, just Google "2016 GOP Candidates" and you'll get 2,860,000 in 0.26 seconds.
Here, let me give you at least one website to peruse:
Media darlings like Chris Christie, Randall Paul, Ted Cruz, Paul Ryan, and Marco Rubio are all names that have been in the news and their appeal differs week to week. Well actually I should say interview to interview.
Yes I too have been placing post-it notes in places I didn't even know existed concerning 2016 and then it happened, like a flash of lightening, Glenn Beck and The Fix tossed the dry erase board aside in a caffeine driven rage and turned to March Madness bracketology to determine the GOP's only hope.
OK, maybe it wasn't that dramatic (Beck is Mormon and not allowed to drink caffeine), but it gave character to a mind-numbing process. Yet, this is Beck's list so it must be worth noting, right?
Who made Beck's “32 Hopefuls” bracket? Well, it's close to 95% of every list of possible candidates written so far, but let’s look:
Sen. Kelly Ayotte, of New Hampshire - Haley Barbour, former Mississippi governor - John Bolton, former ambassador to the United Nations - Jeb Bush, former Florida governor - Herman Cain, radio host and former CEO - Ben Carson, author and neurosurgeon - Chris Christie, New Jersey governor - Sen. Ted Cruz, of Texas - Mitch Daniels, former Indiana governor - Newt Gingrich, former House speaker - Nikki Haley, South Carolina governor - Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor - Bobby Jindal, Louisiana governor - John Kasich, Ohio governor - Rep. Peter King, of New York - Susana Martinez, New Mexico governor - Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor - Sen. Randal Paul, of Kentucky - Former Rep. Ron Paul, of Texas - Tim Pawlenty, former Minnesota governor - Mike Pence, Indiana governor - Rick Perry, Texas governor - Sen. Rob Portman, of Ohio - Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state - Sen. Marco Rubio, of Florida - Rep. Paul Ryan, of Wisconsin - Brian Sandoval, Nevada governor - Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator - Sen. Tim Scott, of South Carolina - Sen. John Thune, of South Dakota - Scott Walker, Wisconsin governor - Former Rep. Allen West, of Florida
On Palin, On Santorum, On Cain and Pawlenty they called out in cozy studio lair. Bring in Christie, Cruz, Ryan and Paul no less with Newt, Herman and Ricky the fearless to spare.
In the end, Beck finished his bracket with: Randal Paul, Ted Cruz, Allen West and Scott Walker.
Too me, of the four on Beck's list only Scott Walker is viable as he's actually doing something!
Don't give me it's Harry Reid and the Democratic Senate holding back Cruz and Paul, that's bunk. Just look at their congressional record in their time in office. There's nothing there, an open cavernous dark pit of wasted time.
Since 2010, Rand Paul has introduced 40 Sponsored bills and Zero has passed as well as 75 Co-Sponsored bills to which only 2 have passed (
I'll give Ted Cruz some leeway as he's only been in office for a year now (
Oh sure, words, words they are full of as we've seen week in and out as they are drawn to a camera and microphone as a junkie to needle and spoon.
And I still do not understand the appeal of Allen West.
However, The Fix went a step further (or maybe that’s a step backward) and broke it down to just 16 GOP Hopefuls vs. 16 DEM Hopefuls
Once again, the GOP names don’t stray from the norm, but at least they made a true game of it. If you want to play along, here’s the link:
But the question at hand; Is the Media doing a disservice to the political process and educating the voting populace by glazing over 2014 Mid-Term elections for the bittersweet ratings grab of 2016?
Just like 2012, the 2016 Presidential election is the GOPs to lose and the current crop of “hopefuls” have given a brighter edge, but who does one follow; An accomplished Governor or a has-been politician looking for book sales or a celebrity looking for a new Media contract?
As for Hillary, if she runs and loses again, who will her flock blame for yet another loss?
Hey why you looking at me? Don't go "fat shaming" me because I am not a fan of Hillary.
That’s it, Slap the Tap, and pour an ice cold Big Boss Angry Angel Ale and enjoy the Winter Vortex. Damn you Al Gore!