Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Booty Call" for the Tea Party

"Make a Hole, Make it Wide"

Big Poppa is back on the bar stool and has a thirst for pissing people off. It's fun to watch people fish for answers. I swear I do it just to see who knows what they are saying, or who is just book smart, or who just regurgitates whatever they heard from some Media talkers. Sorry folks, not all those Media talkers on FOX and MSNBC aren't that brilliant, they just talk real good. They are overpaid Used Car Salesmen/women. Just like those people who perform polls.

So here's a poll that can lead into a new topic of a third political party.

According to Rasmussen, when given the choice of Democrat, Republican or Tea Party, who would you vote for, the finding was: 33% Democrat, 23% Tea Party, 18% Republican and 22% Undecided. Ok, I know someone pulled out the calculator and found that all those numbers only adds up to 96!!

Now it hurts Big Poppa to say this, but I actually agree with Gov Palin in the need for a third party. I am a firm believer that there should be more flavor in political choice or no choice at all. Also I believe if you believe in your party 100%, well you missed the plane ride to Jonestown awhile back.

There are close to 50 political parties listed on the political directory and some should have their charter revoked (and their pledge pins Neidermeyer), since a few follow along with one of the Big 2. Libertarian and Constitution parties vote Republican and Green Party mainly goes Democratic so scratch them from the directory.

Then there are the America First, American Independent (John Birch group), America's Independence, and American parties that vote Republican. Contrary to belief from what we see on the Media, the American Nazi Party (it exists) goes Republican. They switched from Democrat in 2000 to Republican, and haven't been from since 2006.

Oh my, there's; The Boston Tea Party (an offshoot of the Libertarians),
Communist Party USA, Freedom Socialist Party/Radical Women (I may be related to a few of these ladies), Independent American Party (Jesse Ventura You Rock), Labor Party, Modern Whig Party, Objectivist Party (All hail Ayn Rand's platform), Peace and Freedom Party, US Marijuana Party (I think Bill Maher is charter member), The Third Party, etc....

Oh my head hurts and my glass is empty, fill 'er up.

Recently the only one that came close to anything was the Reform Party. Unfortunately this party got to big too fast and split into four factions between it's founder Ross Perot, Jesse Ventura, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. All four factions went in other directions and this is what I see happening to the Tea Party.

Now on paper, the idea of the Tea Party made plenty of sense: Taxes and government over spending. Some reports that the Tea Party formed during 2007, but only gained relevance in 2009 because, well, the Media Talkers needed controversy.

Yes, as with the Boston Tea Party, there are radicals in the mix of the modern day Tea Party. But the Tea Party lacks organization to be an opponent to either of the Big 2 political parties. In Pittsburgh, Pa, there are 10 groups linking themselves to the Tea Party movement, yet only about half talks to another. In Chicago, there's about 15 groups, none have a clue as to what the other is doing until Tax Day. Outside of Tax Day, these groups rarely talk, and like most demonstrations, it only takes a few people to cause chaos.

And of course, the Republican Party is courting the Tea Party as they do Conservative Catholic/Christians. But it's the Tea Party that should be doing the courting. If someone was able to buy this group a clue and get them to organize properly, they could court Libertarians who are the red headed step child of the Republican Party, they could court the election day "booty call" that are the Conservative Catholic/Christians, and they would vehemently court those disenfranchised Democrats that believed Hillary was entitled to be President. But they won't and the Tea Party will become another contact for the Republican Party, another election day "booty call."

Congressional Republicans fear the Tea Party more then the Democrats, because they know the Tea Party can hurt them more on election day then Democrats. Just look at Arizona. John McCain was the Republican presidential candidate in 2008 and now he is fighting for his political life against JD Hayworth, who is backed by the Tea Party. How quickly the party throws their candidate to the fire, or was he really the true candidate? No, McCain wasn't the real choice for Republicans in 2008. McCain wasn't the "Maverick" of 2000, he lost his values and virtues to just win in 2008. He may win in 2010, by about 2% if he's lucky.... Republicans true choice was Gov Mitt Romney, but many let religious belief blind them. Shame.

Oh wait, Mitt Romney is a Mormon and people shied away from him, yet Glenn Beck is a Mormon and people follow his pied piper act with obscene thirst.

Thirst, dang the glass is empty again. Fill the peanut bowl and pay the tab.


  1. your right up to a point. The Tea Party is not a party, for most of us its a voice- we want to be heard and know one way to be heard is to vote and support candidates that align with our principles weather they are Republicans, Dems, Indepedents, or Libertarian.

  2. Maybe cause it's 0550 but I essentially agree with you. EAW expressed my feelings well - we don't want a third party but we do want our voices heard. Incumbents who have been part of the problem for so long - vote them out. We want fresh, smart, innovative candidates with integrity and a value system that matches a majority of Americans and who are proud to be an American. If the Tea Party can find, publicize and support these candidates, I'll be happy. Another 3rd party would be detrimental.

  3. I see a true 3rd party as a gift. Make these candidates aware of their mistakes and they're collective @$$ are on the line. Ross Perot came close, Ralph Nader is a joke. Time for people to get serious, a 2 party system is dumb, they swallow everyone up, use them, and forget about them after the election.

  4. Big Poopa,
    I'll bet you'd like to see a third party as it would benefit the Dems.

  5. Nope, I wanna see a viable 3rd party. Reps/Dems know they have it easy w/o a viable 3rd candidate.

    You sound scared however, concerned about Nov elections?

  6. Scared?
    Dems gonna try to ram thru an immigration bill to give amnesty to 12 million or so illegals who will vote for them. After all the corruption that we've heard about w/healthcare-and all that will be revealed over the next few months-I put nothing passed them.

  7. While I DETEST the current administration, I think it has done a remarkable job of making the country aware that Democrats as well as Republicans have lost focus of what their place in government is. The place of Congress is to represent the interests in the House of the people and the Senate to represent the interests of the people in their respective states. The time is ripe for a third party to shake up the status quo however the two standing parties are too powerful still for there to be any real challenge from a third party to take shape.

    Republicans are being forced to look at themselves and what they stand for. The people are tired of broken promises and a move to the center once the candidates are put into office. McCain was too liberal for true Republicans and too Conservative for moderate Democrats, that's why he didn't have a chance.

    Republicans as well as Democrats should be frightened. The people of this country have had enough and are speaking through the tea parties that they are sick of the abuse of power in Washington and sick of the ever increasing size of government. If their own representatives are ignoring their wishes then they are finding a group that isn't. I commend the tea parties. I also find it amusing that the same people labeling them as a radical domestic terror organziation, less than 2 yrs ago called disention from government policies "true patriotism." I guess you're only a patriot so long as you aren't going against the grain.

    George Washington warned about party politics in his farewell address. Perhaps had more people listened we wouldn't have been in the predicament we are currently in but this business of party politics started with Adams and Jefferson and has spun out of control ever since. Would I like to see a legitimate third party? Yes. Do I think we will even with the political environment what it is? Unfortunately I don't think so.
