1. Obama cowers on "ground zero" mosque-
People annoy me with their rants of "keep the federal government out of local and state issues." This is a great issue for not getting federal government involved.
Obama was correct in not getting the federal gov involved and stated it was a NYC issue. Also by using the "religious belief" of the US Constitution was the right move. Ever since he was elected people have stated Obama was out to destroy our Constitution, but even FOX News has backed him on this issue.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg has already stated he is not crazy about the idea, but as long as they follow all city codes, they can build there. That my friends is a weasel move.
Sure, it is morally wrong to allow the Mosque built so close, afterall there are 2 pray areas within 8 and 12 blocks of Ground Zero already. Both are too small and unlike the proposed "GZ" Mosque, they offer only pray area. The new Mosque is too be a YMCA model.
As ABC News has reported, Ground Zero is hallowed ground, but also has 2 Adult stores, 1 Betting Parlor, and 4 Strip Clubs within 5 blocks, should they not also be asked to move elsewhere. Times Square was once a sespool of filth and it took strong arm politics, emminent domain suits and such to clean it up. Imagine if a Strip club opened next to the Smithsonian, would people not be in disgust? Or Riverboat gambling rolled by the Jefferson Monument every hour, would people not protest for a different river traffic pattern?
Newt Gingrinch stated "Nazi can't put swatzikas at the Holocaust Museum..." True they cannot only because the Holocaust Musuem is on federal land. The "GZ" mosque is on private property, therefore not a federal issue.
One can compare this to people wanting Pres GW bush to get involved in the Terri Shiavo case some 4 or 5 years ago. Pres Bush was smart to stay away and say it was a state issue, especially during an election year. Thise that were up for re-election like Pa's Rick Santorum and others made their way to Florida to show "support" for Terry Shiavo, but it was merely a publicity stunt to save their job.
Just like Shiavo was a state issue, so is the "GZ" Mosque.
2. Pork Barrel thoughts-
Every year, my family and others take a trip down South to the beautiful Outer Banks, this year we ventured East to the wonderful beaches of Delaware. I lost count of all the Obama/Biden stickers in the parking lots. But walking along the beach, I overheard a few people grumbling about "sand dredging and pork barrel money."
By the time your feet hit the sand, it's usually a good 70 feet till you touch the first wave at both Bethany Beach and the Outer Banks, wonder why?
Sand dredging is the answer. Umm, many of the stateside beaches we as Americans enjoy visiting are all sand dredged to build them up for visitors and as storm barriers. So if you wanna complain about it, don't go and learn to pitch a tent in one of our beautiful state and federal campgrounds. Use that SUV for something.
3. Gates has the right idea-
Sec of Defense has the right idea and I applaud him for stepping up while others only talk about cutting deficits.
Eisenhower cut defense spending in his first term as President and moved the money to "Social" projects like a highway system that we use daily today. It was a risk, the Atomic Age was underway, Korea was at war, the French lost Vietnam, children were being taught to hide under their classroom desks, etc. But America was in need of an overhaul and Eisenhower knew it.
Much like today, we have rogue countries vying for Nuclear arsenals, our military needs replenished due to the cost of 2 wars and many "Social" projects are needed. But for the past 10 years, Congress has been a runaway truck of spending. Sure, up until 2008, the cost of those 2 wars were never on the books and now everyone sees the cost when the deficit is mentioned.
I give Sec gates credited for coming forth with his deficit proposals. Do we really need 2 engines for America's latest jet fighter? No, but you damn well every Senator/Representative is going to keep that 2nd engine alive, since it's parts are being built throughout 9 states!!
But neither side of the aisle has a true answer to cut spending. Each likes to point to the other and talk a big game, but never ever mentions which program they would cut to save the money.
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