Thursday, January 9, 2014

Orgasms of the Celebrity Pop Cultures Freedom of Speech (I'd rather listen to my pet rock)

We value our freedoms in the United States and one can say we even abuse them for the better good of one’s personal gain. Take the Freedom of Speech, it’s probably the most over abused Constitutional Right used by the majority of people, whether it being belligerent at a sporting event to heat of argument to sarcasm to historical sentiment. How those words are interpreted by others is the consequence, especially when talking about Social issues and politics.

Thank you to Social Media and the Political partisan talking machine for being the "X" factor by pushing the use of (certain) offensive language to convey any political message on Social issues to the edge of obscene ignorance bliss.

One could write chapter after chapter of the month by month fast decline of MSNBC as their so-called "journalists" have made inflammatory comments as of late from Bashir's defecation to Harris-Perry racial adoption jokes.

Even though he worked at MSNBC for about a millisecond, we have to face the fact that Alec Baldwin isn't a journalist, but a celebrity that makes news by being a dipshit d-bag. Honestly, I think people have become desensitized by anything Baldwin says and just enjoy watching him making an ass of himself.

Yet, we love our celebrities, well any celebrity if you include the pseudo celebrity, you know the D listers and reality stars because they'll say anything just to get some attention after the cameras left them 8 minutes into their 15 minutes of fame.

Nowadays, it’s seems a standard has been set that any celebrity during any interview is asked their political view of this or that.

Yes, I agree Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson has every Constitutional right to say how he feels about his religious beliefs; after all he is a self proclaimed bible thumper per the GQ article. And yes, A&E runs a business and they had/have every contractual right to suspend/fire anyone under their employment.

If I, in my personal time, did anything that could harm my employer, be it financial or what have you, they has every right to suspend/fire me as well.

Media and the people only focused on Robertson's words on gays, no one cared about Robertson's other words on Jim Crowe Laws or how in 1972 he beat a bar owner half to death along with the bar owner's wife then ran to neighboring state of Arkansas to hide only to have his wife pay off the couple so their wouldn't press charges.

That payoff was half of Phil's life savings and he never once attempted to apologize to them for his actions.

Yep, he's a good man

No, this is not a Duck Dynasty bashing blog, as I feel each entity had their right to do as they pleased.

I, however find our society so split on Social Issues that there's an cross epidemic of John Kerry Syndrome sweeping our nation, meaning people love their Freedom of Speech until they dislike the words and especially when it comes to celebrity/pseudo celebrity genre.

Does anyone recall the country group the Dixie Chicks? They were extremely popular in the late 90's early 00's until one day they spoke their mind about the Iraq War and felt the wrath of many Americans and labeled unpatriotic.

Let's recap: So one day on tour in England, lead singer Natalie Maines stated "Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas," before playing their song Traveling Soldier.

However, FOX News only reported a portion of the statement with "Just so you know, we're ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas." (Here's the original column from their website:

Were they not allowed to speak their mind?

Where were all the people "Standing with...” them?

I'll bet my paycheck had they stated the same about President Obama their fan base would've grown tremendously. And there's massive proof to prove I'm correct.

Ted Nugent comes to mind quickly. Back in 1994, Nugent was quoted calling Hillary Clinton a "two bit whore" and "toxic cunt" with very little backlash or protest.

There is no difference between the words of Martin Bashir towards Sarah Palin and that of Ted Nugent towards Hillary Clinton. Too many the answer is no because it's all in presentation, because Hillary has been hated for over 30 years, Palin a mere 6 years.

Then again I belief Nugent is upset that his biggest commercial success was the 1990 song "Can You Take Me High Enough" as part of the Damn Yankees ensemble.

How about Victoria Jackson, Jon Lovitz and Rob Schneide? All former Saturday Night Live cast members that have had little to zero success after leaving the show; all recently have spoken out against President Obama and/or being cast aside for being Conservatives in Hollywood only to have people post in Social Media that they are now fans.

And the people who now say they are fans yet couldn't name anything they have done in the past 20 years. Please, if it weren't for Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider would have nothing, and Lovitz is probably looking for a guest gig with Dennis Miller.

Now don't get me wrong about Rob Schneider because if you've ever heard him in an interview, the man is a cornucopia of political knowledge that could shame half the "experts" on any of the Cable News channels.

Yet the problem is that journalists feel the need to add political questions to a celebrity interview as they feel they hold the pulse of the nation with their words.

For every Matt Damon interview with a political answer people are quick to jump on him as "a liberal making money off what he's against, violence and guns." Ok but what about Vince Vaughn

Vaughn recently came out saying he's part of the Conservative minority in Liberal Hollywood and instantly two frames of thought came out from the public; 1. He's not a liberal? And 2. I'm now a huge fan.

When Vince Vaughn spoke his political view of President Obama, many people stated on social media that they are now fans of his. The man has always been a conservative in personal life even though 98% of Vince Vaughn's movie catalog he plays mostly liberal minded, immature, debauchery type characters his entire career.

There's no difference between Vaughn and Damon, it's all in perception of the viewer.

Here’s a hint, I don’t give a rats rear about a celebrity’s political affiliation or product endorsement, however I do care about the product they put out and it must be worth my dollar to buy it.

I know many people that disliked the band 3 Doors Down until they played at the 2012 RNC convention. The next day, those very same people downloaded to their IPods the entire 3 Doors Down music catalog and are now huge fans.

On the flip, I also know many former Pearl Jam fans that tired of lead singer Eddie Vedder's constant political long winded dribble during concerts that deleted every downloadable Pearl Jam tune they had.

I'm not a fan of celebrity political endorsements and I still remember attending a John Kerry Presidential campaign stop in Wheeling, WV with my then Liberal mother and upon hearing that Ben Affleck was there shooting campaign footage for a John Kerry documentary as endorsement; well I rolled my eyes and moved to the back of the crowd.

Yes I admit I went to a John Kerry campaign stop, but I've also been to Tea Party rallies as well, so don't judge me.

It's all about what one hears that will drive one to their beliefs.

After the Phil Robertson controversy, like a landslide, people in droves posted "I Stand with Phil" and created Facebook pages dedicated to boycott any business that suspended their endorsement of he and Duck Dynasty.

I wonder how many people that decided to boycott Cracker Barrel actually stepped foot in one of their restaurants prior to their endorsement suspension?

Eventually Cracker Barrel caved and used Social Media to win back their patronage, if it existed at all.

Country Star Toby Keith decided not to allow handguns, even for those with legal concealed weapons permits in gun loving Virginia, into his restaurant. Is it not his decision as a business owner to decide whom he is allowed to serve?

Apparently some felt differently, decided to protest his restaurant and last I heard, Keith did not back down.

Where’s Hannity on that decision? Isn’t Hannity one of his biggest fans?

Contrary to Social belief, Toby Keith is not a Republican, even though many believe he is for the songs he writes.

Per Toby Keith, “If you're an average Joe, you never heard about me or that the one-eyed soldier that I write about - my dad - were Democrats and that his father was a Democrat. There's never been a Republican in my family tree. You never heard that. People assume you're a right-wing nut Republican….You just scratch your head and think, ‘You can't fight them all, just let them think what they want to think.' "

To be correct, Toby Keith isn’t a Democrat as he left the Democratic Party and has been a registered Independent for some time now. How you like him now?

We hold are love of celebrity to a higher standard and love or loathe them when they speak their political view, yet truly don't know if they are Right or Left until they display that donation check. It’s absolutely nauseating enough to make one want to watch Barney with a Nerf Gun to their head.

That’s it, Slap the Tap, I’m heading to the pub for some Jailhouse Misdemeanor Ale. Pay your political tab


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