Monday, August 23, 2010

Yellow journalism Fox style

"Make a Hole Make it Wide"

Big Poppa's gotta apologize for last week's post. I must've still been stuck in vacation mode, because there was no intro or ending to the post!

Sunday morning came and the Sunday paper hadn't arrived yet, so I turned on the news for background noise as the coffee brewed. I didn't even know what I was listening to until I heard all this whining about other network coverage of this or that event. I checked the cable guide and it's some sad show on Fox called "Fox Media Watch."

"Why did NBC get to ride with the Stryker Brigrade?" "No one else did and that's this White House's usage of the Media for their own posturing." Really? Seriously? I guess 8 years of "Exclusive" White House coverage has turned you guys into the ignorant bratty kid on the Media block. We had 8 years of VP Dick Cheney at your studios while the door was slammed in the other Medias face.

There's a simple answer as to why NBC got the ride-along. THEY ASKED FOR IT!According to the Pentagon, no one from CBS, ABC, and so on never asked!

And then FMW's round table of whiners start to downplay the event by stating "well there are still 50,000 combat troops left, so why the exclusive on the Stryker Brigade?" Um, simple, those troops that are left, while stilling being combat ready are more for training and support services. This now begins the end of U.S. taxpayer funded administrations of Iraq operations. Or simply "it's time for Iraq to out on their big boy pants (or whatever they wear).

"Plus all the civilian corporations still working. Why no exclusive there?" Here's a thought, does the Media report on every corporation working in foreign lands? No, because that's not an exclusive, unless it's something awesome like restoring the oil fields. Oh wait no one did that, not even Fox. Or how about that story about the Coca-Cola driver in Bombay who saved the Pepsi driver from that horde of Muslim Soccer Moms? Oh wait, no one reported that either. Wonder why?

Heck the Media doesn't even report exclusives on corporations that do business with countries that are evil like say Halliburton and Iran! Oh no, that gets buried under some lame ass story about pigs with wings at the Iowa State Fair. Why?

If Iran is complete evil why are we not reporting on these companies? I sure as hell wouldn't want to be buying anything from a company that contracts with a country that supports our destruction. But most people don't care because they see it as business as usual.

The point is, the Media reports on whatever it can sensationalize, including Fox. Yellow journalism was running wild when Fox and others jumped all over the Sharon Sherrod story like rabid dogs, sensationalizing the story. As soon as story started to turn, Fox jumped off and blamed everyone else for false reporting, neglecting their own false reporting.

And the other whiney report that made me spit out my Starbucks! Morning Joe blend was how the other Media outlets reported on Media Corps (Fox News' corporate owner) $1 million donation to the GOP.

Media Corps has a history of reporting such actions of their fellow Media and when the table is turn, they try to portray themselves as a victim.

Big corporations contribute to political campaigns, everyone knows it, it's not a mystery. General Electric which owns NBC has the right to do so and the Supreme Court just validated it as so. Maybe, you guys at Fox Media Watch should've turned the story around and talked about how Media Corps CEO Rupert Murdoch contributed to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

Just like Imam Rauf, Fox forgets its reporting history. They praised Imam Rauf's PR work in the Muslim World after 9/11 and his work with the Bush Administration. Just as late as Dec 2009, Laura Ingram praise his wife during an interview for her work trying to get the Cultural Center started, even at it's current (now disputed) location.

And speaking more of the Ground Zero Mosque and Fox, over at the Sunday version of Fox and Friends, they had some nitwit NYV Construction worker on. Ok I shouldn't use the term nitwit, as I understand this gentleman lost friends at Ground Zero. But by stating "I'm all for them having a prayer mosque, just renovate the current building or rebuild it no higher then the current building." So wait, you're ok with them having a prayer mosque at Ground Zero, as long as it is no higher then 10 stories! And this guy was one of the organizers for the Sunday portest rally.

Oh look, the paperboy arrived, maybe the comics will be more educational.

Pay your political tab, vote this November

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